Why Are Golf Clubs Different Lengths? Secret Reveals

There are 12 to 14 golf clubs in a full golf set. Each of them is different in length. Do you know why are golf clubs different lengths?

Each club in a full golf set serves a specific purpose, and different lengths cater to different situations on the golf course. For example, the driver is for making long-distance shots off the tee, fairway woods are designed for shots from the fairway or rough, and irons to cover a variety of distances and shot types.

How Does Golf Club’s Length Impact?

Golf club lengths matter a lot in the game. It determines how effective your game will be. The length affects your swing mechanics, ball trajectory, and overall distance.

Longer clubs typically allow for greater distance but may sacrifice control, while shorter clubs offer better precision but may limit distance. So, you have to find the perfect balance between length and control.

Moreover, the proper length of a golf club can also depend on a player’s physical attributes, such as height, arm length, and swing speed. You can customize your clubs to get the correct length.

Using the wrong golf club length can lead to developing the wrong style, often without you even realizing it. If your clubs are too short, you’ll end up hunched over for hours, trying to compensate for the lack of power by swinging harder than usual. This can lead to unnecessary strain and discomfort.

And, if your clubs are too long, you might find yourself standing too upright, which can affect your swing path and accuracy. Both scenarios force your body to adapt in ways that are not ideal. 

Why Are Golf Clubs Different Lengths?

Why Are Golf Clubs Different Lengths

Golf club length refers to the shaft length which is the height of your club. Due to two reasons, you can see the difference between golf lengths.

First of all, the length, along with the loft directly affects the distance. Generally, the longer the club, the faster you can swing it, up to a certain point. Longer clubs give you more leverage and speed, allowing you to hit the ball farther if you make good contact.

According to research, an extra inch of club length gives about 1 mph of speed. This can add about two yards to your shot. However, every golfer can’t swing in the same way.

Longer shafts can make it harder to hit the ball well consistently. You might get extra yards occasionally, but inconsistent shots can hurt your game.

On the other hand, shorter clubs offer more precision. The closer you are to the hole, the more accurate you need to be. Think of it like using the right tool for a job. For a big task, you need more leverage and a larger tool. For a small task, you need more precision and a smaller tool.

The second major reason is the size of the golfers. Golf equipment is often designed for the average person. There is a standard length for each golf club like 45 inches for drivers and 35 inches for the rest of clubs.

Well, the standard length of the club is not suitable for everyone. According to the golfer’s height, one can increase and decrease the golf length. The manufacturers usually make custom shaft lengths with +1 or -1 inch.

Using a shaft that doesn’t fit you perfectly can affect your distance, accuracy, and consistency. It can even cause injury.

Benefits of a Correct Club Length for Golfers

As a golfer, you must ensure that you have the right gear for your game. The correct length of the golf club is one of them. The appropriate length of the club will match your height and swing style. It can lead to improved accuracy, consistency, and overall performance on the course.

When your golf clubs are the right length, you are better able to make solid contact with the ball, resulting in more precise shots. You can cover more distance without losing control of the golf ball. When you have accuracy and control over your trajectory, you can effectively navigate around obstacles and hazards on the course.

The perfect club length allows a more consistent swing. When your clubs are the proper length, you are able to maintain a more natural and comfortable stance, which can lead to more consistent ball striking. This can lead to greater confidence in your abilities and enhance your performance on the course.

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, investing in custom-fit clubs or adjusting your existing clubs to the proper length can make a significant difference in your game.

How Do I Know If My Golf Clubs Are Too Short?

Using clubs that are too short or too long can cause you to change your stance or swing, affecting your performance. Improperly fitted clubs lead to subconscious adjustments, resulting in inconsistent ball striking.

To understand the measurement, consider your height in relation to the length of your clubs. If you find yourself consistently hunching over or feeling cramped during your swing, then your clubs are too short.

Also, pay attention to your ball striking and shot accuracy. If you are frequently hitting shots thin or fat, it could be due to using clubs that are too short for your stature.

Another important factor to consider is the lie angle of your clubs. If your clubs are too short, it can result in a flatter lie angle, leading to off-center strikes and inconsistent shot direction.

These are common indications that your golf club is too short. Well, if your still unsure about it, you can consult with a professional club fitter. They can analyze your swing mechanics, body measurements, and overall game play to determine the optimal club length for your game.

How to determine correct golf club length?

how to determine correct golf club length

Your height determines which club length is perfect for you. There are two traditional ways to measure the right club length.

  • Static Measurement

It is the traditional way of golf club length measurement. Here you need to select the length according to your height. It is a good way to find the measurement for beginners. There is a chart for standard club length for the specific golfer’s height.

  • Wrist-to-Floor Measurement

It is the most effective and simplest way to find the perfect golf club length. It gives an accurate measurement. Since some have longer or shorter arms than height, this method determines how far your arms are from the ground.

  • Golf Club Length Chart
Height (inches)Wrist-to-Floor (inches)Club Length Adjustment
6’8″ – 7’0″42″++2”
6’5″ – 6’8″40.5″ – 42″+1.5”
6’2″ – 6’5″38.5″ – 40.5″+1”
5’9″ – 6’2″35″ – 38.5″Standard
5’7″ – 5’9″34″ – 35″-0.5″
5’4″ – 5’7″32″ – 34″-1″
5’2″ – 5’4″29″ – 32″-1.5″
5’0″ – 5’2″27″ – 29″-2″
4’10” – 5’0″25″ – 27″-2.5″
  • Driver Shaft Length

Drivers focus on power and distance. Generally, a longer shaft means a more powerful swing and more distance. Most manufacturers now make drivers with 45-inch shafts, which is longer than the 43-inch standard from years ago.

However, hitting the ball on the sweet spot is more important than shaft length for distance. Many pros use shorter drivers for better control. As a beginner or intermediate golfer, it’s best to stick to standard lengths or the length that fits your height best.

  • Iron Shaft Length

Irons have varying shaft lengths. The perfect length depends on your height, arm length, and swing posture. So you can add or less an inch or half if your clubs are too short or too long. Having the wrong length can negatively affect your game, so choose the right iron length from the start.


Golf clubs come in different sizes to match your height and swing style. Using clubs that are too short or too long can mess up your stance and swing, affecting your performance.

For effective game play, you need to get the right club length. Custom fitting helps you find the right club length by trying different sizes. This process considers your personal preferences and ensures you get the best fit.